Emotion Icons

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Emotion Icons are small 'speech' bubbles that appear above a character's head, usually the latex creatures. There are many variations.

Sweat Drop


A sweat drop, for showing exhaustion. An example of its use is with the Ming Cat, where the icon appears when the cat slows down.


Hella mad.png

The generic red anger symbol and appears when a character expresses anger. Two examples of its use is with Ming Cat again, when you step on a latex puddle, and in the library on Kade’s chases to show its anger if Colin gets transfurred in a chase or on the second chase after being escaped from in the first chase.


Heart to heart.png

A pink heart that does not appear as much over enemies. Its most notable uses are when the White Knight is released, interacting with a sweeping robot, and when interacting with Puro after running from the snow leopard in the dark vents.


What was that noise?.png

A generic red question mark, indicating that the subject is questioning something. It is seen throughout the Special Edition. It often appears above the Human's head after Dr. K broadcasts to a TV. It is also seen if the player wears the costume made by Puro, which will prompt the Dark Latex in the near vicinity to show confusion.


Zzz mi mi mi.png

Three red Zs, indicating being sleepy. It's used in times such as when Puro is sleeping.

Exclamation mark

It's the enemy!.png

Usually indicates surprise. For example, stepping on a latex puddle or getting close to Shizi after Puro stops him from attacking Colin, and when the player walks past a vent, and that vent opens behind them.[provide reference]



Silence, but can also be used to show the subject is talking albeit leaving the audience to fill in the context.


Gotta practice singing.png

Can be associated with the heart icon, including to show the character's relieved.


Gentlemen, I have an idea.png

Has an idea or a solution.


Nuh uh.png

The cross icon usually indicates that the player cannot interact with something with a response. An example of this can be seen by trying to talk to the second sweeping robot in the dark latex nest.