Maintenance robots

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The Maintenance Robots are Machines that were repurposed into mechanical drones by the Thunder Science Company during the

Pale Virus pandemic. Before the emergency expropriation, the robotics company that made them originally intended them to be powered armor, that would help humans in lifting heavy loads.


Compared to the other robot in the game, Prototype, their appearance is more foreboding and less personable than Prototype’s friendly design. Maintenance robots appear to be catlike robotic skeleton with a visor. They are mostly a grey-blue, but with light blue parts here and there.


Thunder Science were willing to go to any lengths to ensure test subjects that could potentially damage research or tell others about what’s going on inside from escaping. They were reprogrammed to act as automated sentinels against anyone trying to breach containment. In spite of this however, they were unable to stop the riots or escaping goo monsters. Following years of inactivity, they lumber around too slowly to seize the Human, so they fire their laser beams to activate the Benign Latex he wears instead.

Determined to restore power to the flooded generator rooms, Colin attempts to rewire damaged cords, even though he is soaking wet. Dr. K intervenes immediately, and orders an inactive bot to restore power for him. After this, he has a change of heart, ordering the bots to apprehend the man in the middle of leaving their charging room.

If it catches Colin in its sights, it will activate a laser that activates the Benign Latex and transfurs him into either an unknown beast or an orca If caught above water, the bot will then physically restrain and subdue the man inside its armor. If caught in water, he will be transfurred into an orca. Because they are robots, they’re incapable of entering the water to capture Colin, but they're still capable of activating the benign latex from dry land if he is close enough.

The robotics company that once rented out the tower complex had to warn workers not to obstruct them working, or risk injury.



Post- Transfur screens
