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Camila is a fan-made character by @NotTheRealAzazel. Her origins are currently unknown other than that she was kidnapped by Dr.K as to contain the "Virus".


Camila has brown hair that matches the Human's hair color, she sports eyeglasses, green eyes, and a hourglass body. She wears a crop-top benign latex shirt and shorts.


Camila is usually a quiet in tone but can get loud when she gets angry. Before she was kidnapped, she used to have cheerful but shy personality. Which has now changed to a constant anxious and irritable personality.

Camila's Fate

Camila's fate is different as she wasn't transfurred but was instead put into stasis. After finding out that the lab was running out subjects to host the various types of latex, so they went with the idea of cloning Camila. The results in multiple Camila latex-lookalikes running amok, but it also resulted in the creation of an extremely hostile clone of Camila

This clone was named "Victoria", and was isolated to both prevent her from hurting anyone and to not let her become a host to the latex.


During the story of Changed, you will encounter 2 bosses that are related to Camila.

Camila Clones


Majin Yuin

A mutated version of the Yuin latex, now sporting a sinister red color for hair, red eyes, black colored latex and red stripes on its face, body, and wrists. This latex has become benign thus losing its ability to transfur or assimilate, but has traded it out for having longer and sharper horns it can use to ram and impale anyone. This boss can be encountered 3 times.

Confronting The Yuin

The human will enter a giant empty room patches of white and black latex. Then the human will see what they think is "Puro" but facing away from them, the human walks up to "Puro" who turns around and stares down at the human with a vacant expression. The human will seem confused for puro to not react in anyway when they see that they're okay, that is when the human is take aback to what happens.

"Puro" lifts his right paw and claws the human's arm, causing his arm to bleed and to stumble back in shock. Wondering why his partner would do something like this?

That's when the fake "Puro" begins to convulse on the floor violently and morph into its true form, The Majin Yuin.

The Battle

The Majin Yuin will charge at the human with its sharp horns to try to impale and kill the human. The human must juke the yuin out and make it ram into a wall, where it gets stuck, eventually it will lose a horn when it gets unstuck. Do this 3 times and a cutscene will play where the Majin Yuin will feel for its horn and get extremely livid that I punches a hole through the wall and leaves, creating a way for the human to continue on.

If the human fails to dodge the Majin Yuin's rams, a cutscene will play where human gets impaled by the horns and begins screaming, the horns slide deeper into him, causing blood to spill out, eventually the yuin tosses the human, but is not finished with him. It will walk up to the human and finish the job, by crushing his head with its hand, the human will go limp and tossed away by the Majin Yuin.

(Yes, this is the only time Colin dies on screen.)

You can still get transfured, but not by the The Majin Yuin itself, but by the many light and dark latex puddles strewn among the floor.

2nd Majin Yuin Encounter

Upon defeating the Behemoth there will be a hole in the wall in the next room. This hole will only appear if Majin Yuin was defeated the first time. This hole will lead into a sealed room full of cages, one of them housing a Yuin latex. Upon walking up to the Yuin, a cutscene will play. The Majin Yuin will crash through the ceiling and landing on the cage housing the Yuin, crushing it and splattering light latex all over the place. The Majin Yuin will roar and the fight will start.

Fight Differences

The Majin Yuin will stop and make sudden turns if the human dodges the Majin Yuin's ram and it doesn't hit a wall. This will repeat until the Majin Yuin will hits the wall.

The Majin Yuin's Horns are more durable and will take 2 rams for one horn to pop off.

Upon losing 2 of its 3 horns, The Majin Yuin will enter Phase 2. It will go back to the middle of the room and strike the only light in the room, causing it to start flickering.

Phase 2

The Majin Yuin's rams are quicker and the room will occasionally go dark for a second, leaving the only thing that can be seen are the Human's eyes.

Upon defeating the Majin Yuin, it will let out a roar and ram into the wall, leaving a shortcut. It will possibly be back for a 3rd time, possibly its last.