Sweeping Robot

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The Sweeping Robots are a non-threatening moving entity in Changed, similar to a Roomba. They can be found cleaning the floors in various areas.


The sweeping robots are flat and circular. They are red and white, with moving brushes on either side of the face, which is a dark screen with two expressive blue eyes. They are significantly smaller than the protagonist.


The sweeping robots tend to move randomly. They will not chase or follow the Human and are safe. Interacting with the first one encountered when directly next to it will make a heart emoticon appear above it.

After the first up-close encounter with K, a sweeping robot will assist the protagonist in escaping the lab prison in which he was placed. It will copy the Human's movements but moves independently and can be set off from the latter's position if he moves quickly enough or if the robot's path is blocked by an obstacle. The robot's responses to the Human's interactions imply that it has some intelligence, at least comparable to the intelligence of a domestic animal.


  • A note in the Greenhouse suggests that the Prototype uses the same AI as the sweeping robots because it lacked any form of AI when it was first discovered.