Aquatic Inhabitants

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The Aquatic Inhabitants are a large group of latex creatures encountered after the Squid Dog boss battle, varying between squid pups and sharks. In Special Edition, the sharks and squid pups have learned to get along, creating the possibility for a lot of fun interactions

The Inhabitants



The Siren is one of the many aquatic inhabitants. She is a female shark with a yellow stripe in her hair. Unlike most other sharks, she has a “mermaid tail” in place of her legs.


The Siren seems to be more emotional than the rest of the aquatic inhabitants, as she sings to the human and ends up transfurring him into a latex shark while the other inhabitants just stare at him. The music has no effect on him if a fight has broken out though. Her music does bring the fishing shark to tears however.


Emo Shark


The Emo Shark is one of the many aquatic inhabitants. He is a pubescent shark with remarkable red eyes and messy white hair. His face is completely shadowed out except for his eyes. He may be related to the fishing shark, as they both look very similar.


He is mostly apathetic and unhappy, not responding to any situation. When a fight breaks out however, he is seen interestedly watching the fight. He will smirk if the shark wins, but he will facepalm if the squid dog wins. Despite having red eyes, he makes no effort to attack the human, even if Colin walks up to him he just stares.

Fishing Shark


The Fishing Shark is a young feminine shark. She has long white hair and red eyes. She is mostly seen diving underwater for fish, and she may be related to the emo shark.


She is one of the most expressive aquatic inhabitants, with many different moods.

Fighting Latexes


Occasionally, a fight between a squid pup and a shark will break out in the area where the Aquatic Inhabitants are found. Unlike the other sharks, the shark is the only one without hair, there is a 50/50 chance of either latex winning.

Fishing Squid Dog

Fishing squog.webp

Fishing Squid Dog is the squid pup counterpart to Fishing Shark, however unlike fishing shark, fishing squid pup uses a fishing rod instead of her hands.


She is shown covering her ears and frowning when the shark and squid pup fight, as it interrupts her fishing.

Sleeping Inhabitants

Sleeping squogs.webp
Sleeping sharks.webp

Some aquatic inhabitants are shown sleeping on crates. They do wake up to cover their ears if a fight breaks out or the siren starts singing, however.
