Patterned Shorts

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The patterned shorts are a Special Edition exclusive transfur, found in the secret area housing the gargoyles and bees.


The Patterned Shorts have two versions of themselves, one as the normal shorts, and the other being the fully transfured version. The shorts are a medium grey, with white triangles near the top of the pants, and a darker grey triangle at the bottom.

The Patterned Shorts have a dark grey body color, with a medium grey for the secondary. Its legs are a light grey with dark grey accents, and underneath the tail is white fur. The hands and arms are like a fading color to white, with near the middle part of the arm being grey and the hands being a light grey with a darker light grey on each fingertip. Its face has a white triangle below the eyes, with a white diamond on the forehead connecting to the secondary fur color of the jaw. The nose and eyebrows are a white color with the inside of its ears also being a light grayish color.


The shorts stay still on the ground near the gargoyles. When the human puts on the shorts, narration mentions it being "a tight fit". After a few seconds, the shorts will transfur the human, making him grow a long tail that goes through his legs as he human looks down at it. An eye can be seen on the tail before it opens up completely, revealing to be a head, then absorbing Colin and doing a flip in mid-air, before landing on the ground and finishing the transfur.


  • The shorts have a similar color to Keon’s grey shorts found in the vent area
  • These are the only shorts with a pattern on them
  • Unlike with the Pink Shorts, this transfur lacks any fusions.


Post-Transfur Screen