Light Latex Ecosystem

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The Light Latex Ecosystem is one of the two ecosystems in Changed Special Edition, the other one being a dark latex ecosystem.


Similar to the dark latex ecosystem, the light latex ecosystem starts as a light latex puddle, which cannot transfur you. By pressing a red button where the silkworms reside in, the ecosystem will expand. Harmless light latex pups start to spawn, following Colin like the black ones. The ecosystem heavily represents a sea, the fish and decorations showing so.

After the whole area is filled, mounds and lumps will form. They are harmless along with some other aquatic like decorations, like coral. Fish will spawn, and they will swim around when touched. The Headless Knight then will emerge from light latex pouring out of a vent, trying to camouflage with the latex. If you linger to long, your screen will start to turn black and white, and you will be transfurred into an eel.


Post transfur screens