White Latex Forest

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The White Latex Forest is a set of large rooms made completely out of Pure White Latex. In Changed Classic, the room will appear empty, but stepping further in will cause pure white latex beasts and 'trees' to appear. Touching either of these will result in a transfur, but the small latex 'shrubs' are safe to touch.

In the Special Edition however, the forest features multiple white latex behemoth-type creatures.

In a later room in the lab, on the path to the true ending, the player must interact with Puro, who will toss Colin over the latex beasts.


Standard Editon

Special Edition

In the Special Edition, a white latex jungle is the first room Colin enters after turning on the computer at the very end of the Aquatic Area. The entrance resembles a massive white latex creature's body, with the door being its torso.

In this room, there are multiple white latex behemoths that must be navigated around to proceed. Puro will warn about the dangers of the forest, before apologizing for not helping the human during previous boss battles. The room is completely harmless, all of the latexes in it appearing dormant.

The next white latex room is also harmless, although this harmlessness does not last long. Puro walks into the room. He at first seems to be nervous about the room, but quickly comes up with a plan, that plan being to throw himself across the room to lure away all the white latexes. therefore keeping Colin safe.

Feng-Yu Chase

Colin will have to run through the previous room to lure Feng Yu away. The white latex forest becomes sentient as soon as Feng Yu roars, and sends a multitude of white latexes to transfur Colin, and also begins flooding the pipes with more white latex.

Post Feng-Yu Chase

The white latex forest will become dormant again, and after this, it will no longer be necessary to go inside, however returning to the first white latex room will be suicide. The transfur will be a bound column sequence.



These are obstacles that do not transfur on contact but may lead the player into a transfur by one of the above hazards. They may also be strategically used to your advantage.

  • White Latex shrubs




Standard Edition

Special Editon

Post- Transfur Screens

Standard Edition

Special Edition


  • Rumors state that DragonSnow added in a female white latex Behemoth in the Special Edition to throw off Neco the Sergal, a well known Changed YouTuber.[citation needed]
  • On September 18, the special observation room was tested in China.[citation needed]