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The virus (known in-game as the "Pale Virus") is an infectious virus that has devastated mankind in Changed. According to K's diary, the virus has a long incubation period until symptoms begin to show in late stages, although by then it is probably already too late. The virus is highly communicable and can be spread via airborne or through bodily fluids. Animals, while not affected by the virus, act as deadly carriers for this disease.


According to some notices, the virus is said to perfectly exploit the weaknesses of human genes and kills them by causing a form of extreme sickle cell disease, preventing oxygen from being transported, causing symptoms such as exhaustion and paleness (as the name explains) Because of this the scientists resorted to genetics in an attempt to alter the genes and DNA of humans, hoping that they would be able to make a new generation of humans immune to this virus. They eventually succeeded with the invention of dark and white latex, but the side effects inhibited it from making it a successful cure. With more and more failures, the rich and prominent were evacuated to bunkers, hoping to simply wait out the infection until the virus died down. Those who did not make it were left for dead, thousands stormed the facility which housed Colin and possibly other facilities around the globe. Coupled with The Riots, the researchers lost control and eventually succumbed to the latex.

Because of this, Dr. K tries multiple ways to keep Colin locked in the facility and also attempts to transfur him, as he believes that the latter is a carrier of the virus who will likely start a second wave of infection if he ever gets out.


K's diary states that the virus was found in Antarctica, where the initial outbreak occured at a research station. Given the incubation period and its airborne capabilities, it likely infected the researchers without them knowing. Some of them possibly travelled back to countries, where the virus was able to spread thanks to massive crowds and likely stray animals. From there, a worldwide infection had begun without the knowledge of mankind.