Harbinger of bad decisions

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A friendly furry

Edit this page if you want to give me compliments I guess :P

Vandalize this and you're going to have the title: Asshole

Uhh storm, I already have that title. -sr rook

Hugs are allowed

Alts I own

Storm The Moth


Compliments given by users

UwUgen has replied! You´re really cool!

Hi! I think you are awesome! *boop* *hug* (Compliment moved by TheBoyWithSpeed)

epik furry


You're pretty cool - benslife12

"A truly great roleplayer in this FANDOM. *Has a stroke*" -Adamisthebomb

Cool furry that likes RPing -KawaiiShork1010

*boops snoot thrice* :3


-Jace Ignite


yeah you're pretty nice



you're pretty cool ig


even though this wiki is dead and I don't visit as often as before, I won't forget you - hoovygaming (if i broke something, sorry editing on phone is broken)

god i love you - Hackaaaaaaa

*boop* -Vash

this dude is a good guy to hang out with - Dafunniham

boops da snoot* -MattTheCatUwU

"Thanks for acknowledging opinions, you're pretty cool" -BeefTacoRX

“⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“ - The New York Times (actually Fox)

An incredible friend to have -Dafunniham

*Headpat* - VietnamMari0

Your a bean. -Mattie

Merc fleet - Hydra

you have the vibe of a SP Cab Forward. -MattTheCatUwU