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watch those wrist-rockets.

Dr k with a gun.png

About me, and things I like others to know about me:

1: I’m smol, yet a tough commando why does k have a chaytac m200

*Cheytac for one, and two, that's me >:)

2: I hate white supremacists (and I hate anyone that hates the same type of people that white supremacists hate)

3: I hate sexists and sex offenders, etc

4: I hate homophobics and anyone who makes fun of people’s sexuality just because “it makes them feel good about themselves” or some bs like that.

5: I hate transphobics, there’s nothing wrong with being another gender that you feel like. People should have the choice to be who they feel like, you shouldn’t take away the choice from them.

6: Abortion should be legal. You might hate me for saying that, but if you do, you’re saying you shouldn’t have the option to make the choice to kill the child rather than make it live a life where they go through families that don’t care about them.

7: I’m a nice guy, but I got a mean attitude when you’re some of the things I hate. I don’t bully people, why? Because I was bullied. I believe that every person should be treated fairly. Anyone who is bullied just for being themselves, deserve a better life than having to go through that. I might join congress or run away from the national guard or smth for killing white supremacists, who knows. I wanna make a change, a good one- and nobody’s stopping me so far.