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The Changed OST is an online collection of every song by Shizi used in the game.


Shizi - The White Knight

Shizi - Cat Chase

Shizi - Black Goo Zone

Shizi - Crystal Zone

Shizi - Crystal Dragon

Shizi - The Library

Shizi - The White Tail Chase Part 1

Shizi - The White Tail Chase Part 2

Shizi - Puro The Black Goo

Shizi - Vent Pipe

Shizi - Puro's Home

Shizi - Gas Room

Shizi - Vent Pipe Cheetar Chase

Shizi - The Shark

Shizi - The Squid Dog

Shizi - White Goo Jungle

Shizi - Lion Chase

Shizi - Laboratory

Shizi - Scarlet Crystal Mine

Shizi - The Bad Ending

Shizi - Outside Of The Tower

Shizi - Finale

Bonus Songs

Shizi - Cruel Truth

Shizi - Birthday Song